Adptr Cable Lngth.TDR Meas 
Adptr Rise Time.TDR Meas 
Appr Dte.Cable 
Cable Sht Ind.TDR Meas 
Cable Test Ind.Cable Supplement 
Cable Type.Cable 
Cables Contained.Tray Section 
Color Code.Cable Type 
Comments.Cable Type 
Config.Cable Type 
Conn Type Desc.Cable Connector Type 
Conn Type.Cable Connector Type 
Connecting Tray Name.Tray Segments 
Current Unit.Cable 
Dev From Port.Cable Supplement 
Dev To Port.Cable Supplement 
DevFrom Rack Elev.Cable 
Devfrom Label From.Cable 
Devfrom Pinout Drwg Ref.Cable 
Devfrom Term Date.Cable 
Devfrom Term Device.Cable 
Devfrom Termtype.Cable 
Devfrom Tray Segment Entry.Cable 
Devfrom Tunnel Pos.Cable 
Device From.Cable 
Device To.Cable 
Devto Lable To.Cable 
Devto Pinout Drwg Ref.Cable 
Devto Rack Elev.Cable 
Devto Term Date.Cable 
Devto Term Device.Cable 
Devto Termtype.Cable 
Devto Tray Segment Exit.Cable 
Devto Tunnel Pos.Cable 
Dte Added.Cable Supplement 
End Mark Length.Cable Supplement 
Expected Current.Cable 
Fabricated By.Cable 
Id.Tray Segments 
Import Range.Cable 
Installation By.Cable 
Insulation.Cable Type 
Jacket.Cable Type 
Knightcode.Tray Section 
Lab Code.Cable 
Mate Desc.Cable Connector Type 
Mate.Cable Connector Type 
Meas Date.TDR Meas 
Meas Lngth Units.TDR Meas 
Meas Lngth.TDR Meas 
No.Cable Type 
Outer Dia.Cable Type 
Penetration Code.Penetrations 
Penetration Desc.Penetrations 
Penetration Number.Cable 
Post Inst Test Ind.Cable Supplement 
Productno.Cable Type 
Raceway Type.Cable Type 
Rad Res.Cable Type 
Recommended.Cable Type 
Responsible Group.Cable 
Rev Cmnts.TDR Meas 
Reviewer.TDR Meas 
SNS Cable ID.Cable Supplement 
SNS Cable Id.TDR Meas 
SNS Cable Nbr.Cable 
Service.Cable Type 
Sizeof.Cable Type 
Specification.Cable Type 
Start Mark Lngth.Cable Supplement 
Svc Req Ord.Cable Supplement 
Sys Rise Fall Time.TDR Meas 
Term Type Id.TDR Meas 
Term Type Id.Term Type 
Termination By.Cable 
Termination Type.Cable Type 
Test Cmnt.TDR Meas 
Test Person.TDR Meas 
Test Result.TDR Meas 
This Tray Name.Tray Segments 
Tray Description.Tray Section 
Tray Section.Cable 
Tray Section.Tray Section 
Type Name.Cable Type 
Unit Of Measure.Cable 
Volts.Cable Type 
Wave Amp Units.TDR Meas 
Wave Time Units.TDR Meas 
Waveform Amp.TDR Meas 
Waveform TM.TDR Meas 
Work Package.Cable 
Z Position.Cable