Tmpl Id 
Base Entity  Template Archive Request 
Attribute Name  Tmpl Id 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  Tmpl Id 
Domain  Default Text 
Logical Only  NO 
Template Identifier: The unique identifier for an EPICS template.

Tmpl Id Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  Tmpl Id 
Datatype  VARCHAR(50) 
Nullable  NO 

Tmpl Id Domain Restrictions 
Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   

Tmpl Id Security Types 
Name  Current Value 

Tmpl Id Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

Tmpl Id Data Movement Rules 
Name  Type  Rule Text/Value 

Tmpl Id Where Used 
Mapped Object  Is User Defined?  Description  Bound Attachments 
Template Archive Request
Tmpl Id 
EPICS (Oracle)
Tmpl Id 

Tmpl Id Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Tmpl Id Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Tmpl Id Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Tmpl Id Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Arch Req File Nm 
Base Entity  Template Archive Request 
Attribute Name  Arch Req File Nm 
Logical Rolename   
ColumnName  Arch Req File Nm 
Logical Only  NO 
File Name: An external file system file name.  Often the external file name of data imported into the Rdb, such as EPICS .db files.

Arch Req File Nm Logical Attribute Properties 
Logical Attribute Name  Arch Req File Nm 
Datatype  VARCHAR(100) 
Nullable  NO 

Arch Req File Nm Domain Restrictions 

Check Constraint Name   
Bound Rule   
Declared Default   
Bound Default   
Arch Req File Nm Security Types 
Name  Current Value 

Arch Req File Nm Bound Attachments 
Name  Current Value 

Arch Req File Nm Data Movement Rules 
Name  Type  Rule Text/Value 

Arch Req File Nm Where Used 
Mapped Object  Is User Defined?  Description  Bound Attachments 
Template Archive Request
Arch Req File Nm 
EPICS (Oracle)
Arch Req File Nm 

Arch Req File Nm Direct Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Arch Req File Nm Secondary Source Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Arch Req File Nm Direct Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description 

Arch Req File Nm Secondary Target Mappings 
Columns  Transformation Logic  Transformation Description