> Returning Repairable Spare Parts Tracked By Asset Parts from Internal Repair Work Orders

Return repairable spare parts that are tracked by asset from a work order activity.

Follow these steps to return repairable spare parts tracked by asset from internal repair work orders.

  1. Open the Work orders form (WMJOBS).

  2. Query for the internal repair work order for which to return a repariable spare/by asset part. The work order must be of Type Repairable spare.

  3. Click the Activities tab. Datastream 7i displays the Activities page.

  4. Select the activity for which to return the repairable spare/by asset part.

  5. Click the Issue tab. Datastream 7i displays the Issues subpage.

  6. Return—Select to enable the return.

  7. Part—Enter the part to return.

   By asset is selected for all parts tracked by asset.

  1. For repair—Select to indicate that the return is for a repairable spare part. After you save the record, Datastream 7i increases the quantity to be repaired in the stock records.

   You can only select For repair if the part is a repairable spare, i.e., Repairable spare is selected on the Parts form (SMPART).

  1. Quantity—Enter the number of parts to return. If Quantity is greater than 1 for a part tracked by asset, click Asset lines or click for Equipment on each line to select the asset. You cannot enter a quantity greater than 1 or a negative quantity for an asset line.

  2. Bin—Enter the bin to which to return the parts.

  3. Equipment—Click to select the equipment record. Datastream 7i displays the Select equipment dialog box.

  4. Choose one of the following options:

Datastream 7i displays the Select multiple assets dialog box.

  1. Select—Select to associate the equipment with the return. To associate all the equipment records displayed with the return, click Select all.

  2. Click OK. Datastream 7i associates the equipment with the return.

  3. Choose File | Save from the menu bar. Datastream 7i saves the information to the database and displays a confirmation.